Harrison Zhu

Harrison Zhu

Assistant Professor, Health Data Science and AI Section, Department of Public Health

University of Copenhagen

I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen. Before joining the University of Copenhagen, I first obtained my integrated masters’ (MSci; 2015-2019) in Mathematics from Imperial College London. I then obtained my PhD (2019-2023) from Imperial College London, as part of the EPSRC Centre of Doctoral Training in Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning at Imperial and Oxford. I had the privilege of being supervised by Seth Flaxman and Yingzhen Li. My research interests are in developing probabilistic machine learning and deep learning methods to understand complex patterns in public health. Some particular topics that I am interested in are: phylogenetics, infectious diseases modeling and Bayesian deep learning.

  • Phylogenetics
  • Gaussian Processes
  • Deep Learning
  • Probabilistic Machine Learning
  • Infectious Diseases modeling
  • PhD in Modern Statistics and Statistical Machine Learning, 2023

     Imperial College London, United Kingdom

  • MSci (first class honours) in Mathematics, 2019

    Imperial College London, United Kingdom
